We can not change what has happened.
But when we change the way we look at it,
we can bring healing into our story and we can let go of negative emotion.
Systemic traumatherapy /EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Dr. Francine Shapiro) is a short term therapy, to let go of what burdens us.
Reclaim your feelings and emotions is key to healing.
Everyone has experienced traumatic or painful events, sometime it just dissolves.
Sometimes we suffer and need support to let go.
If you feel shame, blame, flashbacks, nightmares, panic, fear, aggression without an equivalent trigger, this might be caused by such a painful experience.
Such as, an accident, a loss, a separation, a mobbing, a crime...
There is no need to know the initial situation.
I provide a safe space, with great empathy and respect and I will support you to find what needs healing and help you heal it.
100 Euro / 60 Minuten
in person or online